Friday, February 17, 2006

How pessimistic can it get.

Well how ingrained is this word iit in our minds i dont know.
"Once an iitian, always an iitian"
I dont know where i heard that but i find it true. The everlasting impact of these 6years (i am not saying 4 because i believe that this process starts even before entering iit i.e. with the preparation) will remain with me as far as i can think of. It change the way i would have lived my life. And if someone asks me at a later stage of my life in an interview when i become "someone" . What if not an IITian ...i would say nothing. Because i cant even dare to imaging my life without this phenomena.

Many outsiders and many of us think that this IIT tag or stamp or brand arms us with arsenel to change the world. But does it really do that???
The answer is rather disturbing.
Where do iitians go after this sacred place.
It is being said that iitians are one of the best researchers, ceo's, and what not today. We have a big number of such people out there shining in the sky.
But does it change the ground realities of this poor country where still 35%(a debatable figure) of people are BPL, 35% of us are uneducated, where the number of pending court cases runs in crores, where we woo children to come to school by using 1 time meal.
I am sounding a bit pessimistic when i say all this and i have a reason. How many iitians are policy makers of this country. I know only one name which is exCM of Goa. Why havent iitians been able to excel in this front. I go back to the movie about which i talked in one of my earlier posts. The director didnt give a happy ending to the movie Rang de basanti why??? Those students could be one of us also but since we dont even think about a happy ending why would we go for such a thing. This pessimism comes from one of our professors helplessness who talked about one of the indian companies fabricating cutting edge technological equipment for china, but similiar equipment is not being made for resource utilization in india because our policy makers havent woken up to the need. And by the time they wake up it will already be a technology of olden days.
"Apne Ghar ke safai khud hee karni padti hai"
We have to clean our home ourselves. But who cares. And i am one of them, I would fly out of this place given a chance as early as possible. These are my sentiments today, but they may change and this country would hope that they do.
But the situation is tricky if you yourself are the hope....



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